Why The Sistah’s Rules is Crap

http://www.rulesgirlcelebrityblog.com/2010/02/rules-work-on-any-man-jamie-foxx-case.html .  I made the mistake of reading the Sistah’s Rules by Denene Millner a while ago. 

I remember feeling that something about the book didn’t feel right.  I remember someone else in the BWE mentioning how jacked up this book is, but I can’t remember who. Hmmm could have been because the way author tells black women that what works on a white man or other men won’t work on a black man.  In other words she encouraging black women to give it up to keep the man. She wrote it as a black version of The Rules as written by Ellein Fein. Women I will tell you know if you see that book run the other way. I remember thinking why would I want a bm if I have to give it up to him to keep him.  That doesn’t sound like a gbm to me.  I think as bw we really have to becareful of these black versions of white and other non-black authors.  I finally read the Rules and saw that Ellen feins version was way better. It doesn’t matter the race because men are men just like women are women. We may have our culture, society etc. differences, but we have many similarities as well. That is mos def a dangerous book for young women.

6 Responses to “Why The Sistah’s Rules is Crap”

  1. CW Says:

    I think I read that book back in ’99…Left with a horrible feeling…Basically another “Make A Black Woman Always Responsible” pieces…

  2. bgurrl Says:

    Whew yeah. I knew when I read that part about sleeping with black man to keep him that this book didn’t feel right.

  3. Velour Says:

    That sounds sick. A woman should only have sex when or if she’s ready. For me, that’s only in a marriage relationship. Doing something you’re against (having sex just for the sake of sex instead of as a manifestation of love) just to keep someone else around means you’re not being true to yourself. You’re going against values you hold dear. A relationship is not supposed to subtract from who you are as a person. It’s supposed to enrich your life. Any man who truly loves you and is worth your time wouldn’t want you to go against your values, and have you possibly feeling deep regret if the relationship doesn’t work out, and deeper pain because you shared something special with someone who’s no longer a part of you. I know I’d never take a man like the ones mentioned in the book. I’d prefer to remain manless if I had to.

  4. bgurrl Says:

    The only think I liked about that book was that it told women to meet the family (it didn’t say see how he treats his mother, which I didn’t like) and see how his mother lives (I was like where’s the father). But in general it’s saying see how they lived and brought him up, because if they are jacked up and he was brought up in that type of enironment then you need to factor that in when dating this person. Other than that the book is not worth it.

  5. jubilee Says:

    We are women FIRST AND FOREMOST before we are black…we need to leave the blackwomen stuff alone! The rules works for ALL WOMEN…..period

  6. jubilee Says:

    We are hurting ourselves with stuff like this: 70 percent of us are having kids without marriage while 1/3 of all abortions are with black women…no sex until marriage! got it sistas? We need to get into a healthy well-balanced bibical church as well and have accountability groups. If a guy comes on too strong, there are other men who could talk to him.

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